I began making marks as a form of catharsis after my father, Buz, died. 
The way that I drew the marks changed depending on my mood and circumstance. I realised that not only were these marks literally annotating time, they were also recording my passage through time and grief. 
Each image in the series is printed from the same plate, made between September 2016 and July 2017. I re-ground and re-marked this plate and let my marks and the acid eat away at the surface. Beginning with etching 'I' which has a clear and rigid structure, the results of the following prints, 'II', 'III' and 'IV' were increasingly unpredictable due to the palimpsest of marks that built up. 
By 'V', the plate had become so scarred that a year's worth of marks are barely noticeable in the resulting print.
Series I - V with the final, scarred, plate.
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